We welcome Jacob Redmond, a seminarian of the Archdiocese of Washington, for his summer assignment at St. Philip's. Jacob just completed third college at St. John Paul II Seminary. He looks forward to being a part of our parish family this summer.
Please pray for him as he continues his discernment of the priesthood.
Rising Fourth College
Saint John Paul II Seminary
Home Parish: Sacred Heart, Laplata
My life before the seminary:
Before entering seminary, I attended Saint Mary’s Ryken High School where I spent a lot of time playing ice hockey. After graduating in 2017, I briefly attended Ave Maria University. While I was only there for a year, I planned on double majoring in philosophy and humanities with a classics minor. Though I was only there for a year, I did have unique opportunities such as experiencing Hurricane Irma one week, and seeing bioluminescent (glow in the dark) water another.
What convinced me to enter the seminary:
The idea of priesthood first entered my mind when I was completing my senior year of high school. At first, I ran from it thinking I knew best for my life. Then that summer I worked at St. John’s summer program where daily Mass and Adoration was a part of my day. It was in the silence of prayer that the Lord held a mirror to myself showing me my fault. He had been constantly reaching out with this beautiful plan for me, and I was simply saying "no". Once I realized that His arms have always been stretched out waiting for me, I gave him my "yes" to however I was called to serve. It was in that moment that great joy flooded my soul; for I knew that I was in good hands. I went to college that fall with an open ear to however He would call me. Through months of prayer and discernment with my spiritual director, I discerned the "yes" brought me to where I am today.
Other interests include:
I enjoy most thing that require a board like snowboarding, surfing, and skate boarding. But I am also a huge fan of sitting down with friends for a meal.